Just fill in the blanks and we'll use Docsmit to mail the cancellation letter by certified mail. You don't even need a Docsmit account to avoid the "member retention" hard sell.
Only $14.99
If you can give written proof that you are injured or must move out of range of a Lifetime Fitness,
then you may be able to get the fees waived. Also see when your contract term expires. It might be better to wait until then to
terminate in order to avoid a much more expensive Cancellation Fee.
The Lifetime Fitness website section on cancellation states you can send your cancellation by mail, preferably Certified Mail.
Here's a sample cancellation form that has worked in the past for you to consider:
[Insert Your Name Here] [Insert your address here] [Insert today's date] To: Manager, Lifetime Fitness [Insert your Planet Fitness's address here] VIA CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Membership # [Insert your Membership # here] Dear Sir or Madam: Please cancel my membership to Lifetime Fitness immediately. DO NOT automatically renew my membership. I reserve the right to contact my credit card processor or bank to prevent any further charges after my cancellation date. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, ___________________ [Sign above the line and insert your name here]
You should keep a copy of the cancellation letter for your records. The easiest way to copy and file the document is to scan it or print it to PDF from your word processor. For scanning to PDF on the iPhone we like Genius Scan. There are many many options on a PC such as Scan to PDF Converter.
Lifetime Fitness prefers you use Certified Mail and we agree. A return receipt provides you protection. It's easy to send your scan by certified mail with Docsmit.com. Just click at the top right above to Get Your Free Account. Compose a New mailpiece, drag and drop your PDF and enter the address of your Lifetime Fitness.
Use either Return Receipt Requested (a Green Card) or Return Receipt Electronic - the USPS' newer less expensive method that enables us to email you the Proof of Delivery after its signed for. It's only available at the post office or through electronic means like Docsmit. Either way you'll be able to view the USPS' full tracking information through our site or by going to USPS.com.